
St Thomas Baptist Church is committed to ensuring that its building and activities are safe spaces for all.

The church recognises its responsibilities for the safeguarding of all children and young people under the age of 18 (regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability) as set out in The Children Act 1989 and 2004, Safe from Harm (HM Government 1994) and Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government 2010).

As members of this church we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safeguarding of all children and young people associated with the church and will pray for them regularly.

The church also recognises its responsibilities for the safeguarding of all adults at risk – over 18 years of age (regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability) as set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, Mental Health Act 2007, Disability Acts 1995 and 2005.

As members of this church we commit ourselves to the protection and safeguarding of all adults at risk associated with the church and will pray for them regularly.

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact one of the designated people below:

Safeguarding Trustee: Liz Bailey

Designated Person for Safeguarding: Gary Curran

Deputy Designated Person for Safeguarding: Helen Dobson

Contact details for the above people can be obtained by submitting a query through the Contact Us Page.

Click here to view our Child Safeguarding Policy

Click here to view our Adult Safeguarding Policy